How much do dog vaccinations cost?
Columbus, OH

How much do dog vaccinations cost?

Columbus, OH

How much do dog vaccinations cost?

$75 – $400+average total cost for puppy's first year
$35 – $365+average cost per year afterward

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$75 – $400+ average total cost for puppy's first year

$35 – $365+ average cost per year afterward

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Ellen Russell, DVM, MPH
Written by
Ellen Russell, DVM, MPH
Edited by
Kristen Cramer
Fact-checked by
Tara Farmer

Dog vaccinations cost

Puppy vaccinations cost $75 to $400+ total on average for the first year, and adult dog vaccinations cost $35 to $365 per year. Prices vary depending on where you live, your puppy's age when starting their vaccines, and which non-core vaccines suit your dog's lifestyle.

Dog and puppy shots cost $15 to $85 per dose, depending on the vaccine type and the dog's size.

Dog vaccinations cost
Vaccine Average cost
(per dose)
Core vaccines
DHPP / DAPP $20 – $45
Rabies $15 – $60
Non-core / lifestyle vaccines
Bordetella $15 – $40
Leptospirosis $25 – $50
Influenza $35 – $85
Lyme $35 – $55
Rattlesnake toxoid $30 – $50

  • The DHPP and leptospirosis vaccines are also widely available as a combination vaccine (DHLPP).The combo vaccine is usually less expensive than receiving each vaccine individually.

  • Expect to pay a physical exam fee ranging from $35 to $85, depending on where you get your dog vaccinated. Examination by a veterinarian ensures your dog is healthy enough to receive vaccines and has no other physical concerns.

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Puppy vaccination cost

Puppies need a series of vaccines during their first year to protect them from life-threatening diseases and viruses. Though the antibodies they receive through their mother's milk temporarily protect them from some infectious diseases, this resistance disappears within several weeks.

Puppy vaccinations cost $75 to $220 total for core vaccines and $200 to $400+ for optional non-core vaccines during the first year of your puppy's life.

Puppy shots cost
Vaccine # of doses during 1st year Average cost (per dose) Average total cost (first year)
Core vaccines
DHPP / DAPP 3 – 4 $20 – $45 $60 – $180
Rabies 1 $15 – $30 $15 – $30
Non-core vaccines (based on your dog's lifestyle)
Bordetella 1 – 2 depending on the vaccine type $15 – $40 $15 – $80
Leptospirosis 2 $25 – $50 $50 – $100
Influenza 2 $35 – $85 $70 – $170
Lyme 2 $35 – $55 $70 – $110
Rattlesnake toxoid Varies depending on your dog's weight and risk level $30 – $50 Variable

Puppy vaccine schedule

Puppies should receive their first vaccines between 6 and 8 weeks of age and vaccine boosters every 2 to 4 weeks afterward until they are over 16 weeks old.

Puppies older than 12 weeks can start non-core vaccines. Your vet will help you determine which non-core vaccines are best suited for your dog and when your dog should receive them.

Puppy vaccination schedule
Puppy's age Core vaccines Non-core vaccines
(based on your dog's lifestyle)
6 – 8 weeks DHPP / DAPP  
10 – 12 weeks DHPP / DAPP booster Bordetella (kennel cough)
12 – 16 weeks
  • DHPP / DAPP booster
  • Rabies
  • Leptospirosis (1 of 2)
  • Influenza (1 of 2)
  • Lyme (1 of 2)
16 – 20 weeks DHPP / DAPP booster
  • Leptospirosis (2 of 2)
  • Influenza (2 of 2)
  • Lyme (2 of 2)
  • Rattlesnake vaccine series can be started

  • Some veterinarians recommend giving certain vaccines slightly later in puppyhood, depending on your dog's breed and weight. Your vet may also recommend separating certain vaccines if multiple vaccines are due at the same time.

  • If you recently purchased or adopted a puppy, ask for and review their vaccine history. If you did not receive any vaccine history, make a vet appointment as soon as possible to start vaccines.

  • Puppies obtained from rescue groups or shelters typically receive at least their first vaccines before adoption.

Cute labrador puppy getting vaccinated by veterinarian
Cute labrador puppy getting vaccinated by veterinarian

Dog vaccine schedule

After receiving the initial vaccination series as a puppy, your dog will need vaccine boosters every 1 to 3 years throughout their lifetime. The table below shows the schedule for core and non-core vaccines.

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Dog vaccination schedule
Vaccine Schedule
Core vaccines
  • 1 year after initial puppy vaccination series
  • Every 1 to 3 years afterward
  • 1 year after initial puppy vaccination series
  • Every 1 to 3 years afterward as required by state law
Non-core vaccines (based on your dog's lifestyle)
Bordetella (kennel cough)
  • 1 year after initial puppy vaccination series
  • Once per year afterward
  • 1 year after initial puppy vaccination series
  • Once per year afterward (at least 30 days before any potential exposure to rattlesnakes)

What vaccines do dogs need?

Core vaccines

Every dog should receive these core vaccines, which protect against serious, life-threatening, and contagious diseases:

DHPP / DAPP vaccine

Your puppy should receive the first DHPP vaccine between 6 and 8 weeks of age, and then receive boosters every 3 to 4 weeks until 16 to 20 weeks. Your dog will need a booster again one year later and then every three years for the rest of their lifetime.

The DHPP vaccine for dogs, sometimes called DAPP, is a combination vaccine that protects against four different contagious viruses that can cause life-threatening symptoms in dogs:

  • Distemper: Canine distemper is a severe disease that causes various symptoms, including cough, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and, in some cases, paralysis. Sadly, more than 50% of dogs diagnosed with distemper pass away, and those that survive can have lasting problems.

  • Parvovirus: Parvo is a common and devastating disease affecting very young puppies. It causes severe diarrhea and vomiting and depletes the puppy's immune cells that help fight disease. Parvo treatment costs $700 to $5,000 if your dog is unvaccinated and gets the virus.

  • Infectious hepatitis (adenovirus): Infectious hepatitis can cause a range of symptoms from mild to severe, including decreased appetite, fever, eye and nasal discharge, jaundice, and eye cloudiness.

  • Parainfluenza: Parainfluenza causes respiratory symptoms like coughing, nasal discharge, and sneezing that can progress to pneumonia in dogs. While it causes similar symptoms to the canine flu, it is a different virus that requires a different vaccine.

Rabies vaccine

The rabies vaccine is given once to puppies over 12 weeks old, again one year later, and then every one to three years for the rest of your dog's life, depending on state laws. Vaccinating your dog against rabies is legally required in most states. Rabies is a deadly virus spread between many mammals, including humans.

Non-core vaccines

Non-core vaccines are optional and should be given to your dog depending on their activities. Will your pup go to doggy daycare? Will they go on hikes with you or go swimming? Your veterinarian can help you decide which vaccines are appropriate for your dog based on their lifestyle.

  • Bordetella: The Bordetella vaccine is commonly called the “kennel cough” vaccine. It protects against a contagious bacterium, Bordetella bronchiseptica, which causes coughing, nasal discharge, and sneezing in dogs.

  • Leptospirosis: The leptospirosis vaccine protects against several different strains of Leptospira bacteria and is highly recommended for any dog who goes outside, even if just to your backyard. Infection causes acute kidney and liver failure. Additionally, a dog infected with leptospirosis can spread the disease to people, making it a public health risk.

  • Influenza: The dog flu vaccine protects against two highly contagious strains of flu—H3N8 and H3N2. Dog flu has similar symptoms to human flu, including fever, coughing, nasal discharge, tiredness, and decreased appetite. A small percentage of dogs affected with flu develop more severe symptoms, including pneumonia.

  • Lyme: The Lyme vaccine protects against Lyme disease, which spreads via the bite of an infected tick. Ticks must be attached to dogs for at least 36 hours to transmit the disease. Lyme disease causes various problems in dogs, including fever, tiredness, decreased appetite, limping, and severe kidney disease.

  • Rattlesnake: The rattlesnake vaccine reduces a dog's reaction to the venom from a western diamondback rattlesnake bite. Rattlesnake bites can be incredibly dangerous in dogs, causing significant organ damage and even neurologic symptoms. The rattlesnake vaccine differs from rattlesnake anti-venom, which is administered after a bite to reduce the symptoms.

Dog vaccination FAQs

Where can I get my dog vaccinated?

Vaccines should only be administered by a veterinarian or licensed veterinary technician. Some options for where to get your dog vaccinated include:

  • Your veterinarian's office

  • Animal shelters

  • Community vaccine clinics & pop-up vet care clinics

  • Humane Society

  • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)

Even if you take your dog elsewhere for low-cost dog vaccinations, you should still establish a relationship with a full-service veterinarian who knows your dog and can care for them if they become sick. Being an established client will allow you to book appointments more quickly and save money by not having to go to an emergency animal hospital.

Why should I get my dog vaccinated?

Vaccines are one of the most important ways to prevent severe illnesses in dogs. Puppies are especially susceptible to life-threatening diseases like canine distemper and parvo.

Treatment for diseases like these often requires costly and emotionally distressing stays in animal emergency rooms without a guarantee of a favorable outcome. Vaccinating your dog for rabies is also a legal requirement in most states.

Which dog vaccines are absolutely necessary?

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), all dogs should receive vaccinations for rabies, canine distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus (infectious canine hepatitis). The combination DHPP/DAPP vaccine protects your dog against distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza.

Can dog vaccines have side effects or make my dog sick?

Vaccine reactions in dogs are possible but not common. After your dog receives a vaccine, you should always monitor them for:

  • Swelling around the face

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Hives (large raised bumps all over the body)

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Limping

  • Swelling near the injection site

  • Decreased appetite

  • Extreme tiredness

Contact a veterinarian immediately if you notice any of these symptoms after your dog receives a vaccine.

Certain breeds may benefit from separating vaccines—not receiving multiple vaccines at the same time—or receiving a dose of Benadryl before vaccine appointments to reduce the chance of a reaction. In almost every case, the benefits of vaccinating your dog outweigh the risks.

Can an unvaccinated dog be around a vaccinated dog?

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Unvaccinated dogs should generally limit their exposure to other dogs until they are fully vaccinated. However, socializing your puppy with other dogs at a young age is essential for their behavioral development and can reduce the risk of your dog developing aggression towards other dogs in the future.

Questions to ask your veterinarian

A new dog is a big responsibility! Never hesitate to ask your veterinarian questions about your pet's health and well-being. Discuss these questions about vaccinations with a veterinarian near you:

  • When should my puppy receive their first vaccinations?

  • What vaccination schedule do you recommend for my dog's breed and weight?

  • Which non-core vaccines do you recommend for my dog?

  • What happens if my puppy misses a vaccination or booster?

  • If my dog is ill, should they still be vaccinated?

  • Are there other ways to prevent my pet from getting sick?

  • Are there any vaccine side effects I should be on the lookout for?

  • What heartworm, flea, and tick preventatives are best for my dog?

  • Should my puppy be dewormed?

  • When should I spay or neuter my dog?

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